Museum exhibition: In search of everything

I want to thank Fotomuseum Tilburg for giving me the opportunity to share my photos in their museum! In search of Everything is about finding your way in life during your twenties. You can visit the exhibition here: https://fotomuseumtilburg.nl/exposities/rikkie-nitsche/


Interview Univers

Thanks to Anne Grefkens from Univers for the great talk about my new exhibition. You can vistit Solace in Nature at Tilburg University until March 29!



Factorium Cultuurmakers / 2022 - now
I’ve been photographing the performances of the talented students at Factorium in Tilburg. My photos are used for their website and social media. It’s amazing to capture the ambition of all the kids, teens and adults who perform music and theatre live.

Seizoenszine / 2019 - now
Every season, my photos are published in a new Seizoenszine, a small bundle of poetry, illustrations and photos created by Frederike Luijten. The launch of the zine is celebrated with a fun night at Theater de Nieuwe Vorst, including an exposition of my work.

Solo exhibition: Solace in Nature / 11-01-2024
My first solo exhibition is here! The opening was a wonderful night celebrating my art with friends and family. The exhibition is open on weekdays from 08.00 until 18.30h in the Cobbenhagen-building at Tilburg University, until April 11 2024.

Exhibition at Locals / 16-12-2023
I’m very excited that my photos are now on the shelfs of one of my favorite coffee places in Tilburg; Locals! I’m grateful for the opportunity to share my work this way and their interest in my work.

Exhibition at Theater De Nieuwe Vorst / 07-07-2023
As part of the Zomerzine launch, I’m having a solo exhibition at Theater De Nieuwe Vorst in Tilburg this summer.

Interview Van Gogh National Park / 06-02-2023
I did an interview about my love for photographing nature. It’s part of a project of Van Gogh National Park, you can read more about it on their website: https://www.vangoghnationalpark.com/nl/homepage/pioniers/lichtpuntjes/rikkie-nitsche-natuurdrang

Artwork ‘‘Genoeg’’ / 02-12-2022
My close friend Nayohmé has released her debut book Genoeg, which is filled with beautiful poetry and writing. I shot the photos for the promotion of the book!

Exhibition at Theater De Nieuwe Vorst / 07-07-2022
As part of the Zomerzine launch, I’m having a solo exhibition at Theater De Nieuwe Vorst in Tilburg! Until July 17th my two poster designs are on the windows.

Group exhibition at Vandemaker / 04-05-2022
I’m part of the new exhibition ‘‘Dagdroom’’ (Daydream) at Vandemaker in Tilburg. Drop by to see this lovely group exhibition including my work from my series Trainrides.

Exhibition at Theater De Nieuwe Vorst / 04-03-2022
We created an exhibition for the Winterzine, with big posters of my pictures and a QR code which leads you to an audio file of one of the poems from the zine. You can visit Theater De Nieuwe Vorst for this exhibition until the end of April.

Group exhibition at Vandemaker / 03-02-2022
My work has been chosen to join the group exhibition “Groen” at one of my favorite stores in Tilburg; Vandemaker.

Publication PF website / 30-09-2020
My new series ‘‘The air tastes different in the middle of the ocean’’ got published on the Pf Fotografie Magazine website: https://pf.nl/rikkie-nitsche-the-air-tastes-different-in-the-middle-of-the-ocean/

Publication Shutr Photo Magazine / 10-04-2020
I got published in the latest issue of Shutr Photo magazine! An article about my view on photography and what the landscape brings me.

Exhibition at Buutvrij / 01-02-2020
This february I am very proud to open my first ever solo exhibition! My graduation project Ora Pro Nobis will be on the walls of café Buutvrij in my hometown Tilburg. The series To Be Found will also be exhibited, so come over and enjoy my work and some coffee!

Graduation University of Applied Photography / 31-01-2020
With my project Ora Pro Nobis I graduated at the University of Applied Photography in Amsterdam! By finishing my study Photography and Visual Communication I do now have my Bachelor of Arts, a dream that came true. A part of my graduation was organizing the exposition ‘‘Les Cinq’’ with my fellow classmates. The expo (including my work) can be seen from January 31 till February 2nd at Loods 6 in Amsterdam.