The air tastes different in the middle of the ocean.

In times of a pandemic, where a global fear seems the only thing that connects us, time becomes something different. Without a job, meetings, dates and parties, every day looks the same. We lose track of time and weeks turn into months. How many seasons have we missed? The abrupt change of life during Covid left me anxious and nervous, because I always needed a feeling of control over everything that happens.

I decided to spend a week off away from the Dutch mainland, on the Wadden island Terschelling. The air tastes different in the middle of the ocean. The sun will make you shiver and the clouds can take up noise. The world seemed to move behind me and I felt in control again. While capturing the landscape I realized these island waves had seen it all. These trees had felt every storm. And still they stood grand as ever, welcoming another wind, another hurricane, another life.

[Terschelling, 2020]